Ke stažení, výuka

V této sekci najdete materiály ke stažení a odkazy používané ve výuce.

 Pozvánka na školní farmářský trh.docx (127759) - podklady pro tvorbu plakátu

7-A-OBČANSKÁ VÝCHOVA.docx (15024)

Upřesnění vyhledávání na webu


Let her go by Passenger

Beginner level - choice mode

Beginner level - writing


Intermediate level - choice mode

Intermediate level - writing


Advanced level - choice mode

Advanced level - writing


Expert level - choice mode

Expert level - writing


Perfect by Ed Sheeran

Beginner level - choice mode

Beginner level - writing


Intermediate level - writing

Intermediate level - choice mode


Advanced level - writing

Advanced level - choice mode


Expert level - writing

Expert level - choice mode


Photograph by Ed Sheeran

Beginner level - choice mode

Beginner level - writing


Intermediate - choice mode

Intermediate - writing


Advanced - choice mode

Advanced - writing


Expert - choice mode

Expert - writing


New York - LyricsTraining




Tricider - 1 Smile makes 2 smiles

What videos make you happy? Why? Share them with us :)

What pictures make you happy? Why? Share them with us :)

What songs make you happy? Why? Share them with us :)

What's your favourite joke? Share it with us :)

What is happiness for you?

What do you think is the colour of happiness? Why?

Can money buy happiness?

What are the three most important things for you to be happy? Why?

Does having an animal/pet make you happy? Why?

How can you become happy again when you are sad?

When did you last feel very happy? What happened?

What would make you happy now?

What would make you truly happy in the future?

Who are happier, adults or children? Why?

Which country has the happiest people in the world? Why? 


List of challenges



Our favourite quotations and proverbs

 Our favourite quotations and proverbs 


Mr Mole

Mr Mole


Mr Mole - our mascot

Mr Mole - on-line colouring page


Tricider - Time Capsule 2014 - 2114


Tricider - London




Our Trip to London

Předloha pro zpracování plakátu Our Trip to London.

Our Trip to London


Flat Tugal from Portugal

Fotografie pro zpracování virtuálního výletu Flat Tugala z Portugalska.

Foto 1     Foto 2


6.A: Magazine about us

Podklady k tvorbě časopisu v rámci spolupráce se školou z Kolumbie.

Magazine - rozdělení úkolů.pdf (451,8 kB)